謝謝大家對《無聲感情》的大愛!當時的VR 虛擬現實我們是怎麼拍的?蔣馨柔聽不見為什麼節奏還能這麼准?我為什麼要寫,並拍《無聲感情》?各種你想的問題都在 oPro 拍的幕後花絮裡回答!Thanks everyone for supporting and reposting the Silent Dancer MVs.

  • 6 yıl önce
謝謝大家對《無聲感情》的大愛!當時的VR 虛擬現實我們是怎麼拍的?蔣馨柔聽不見為什麼節奏還能這麼准?我為什麼要寫,並拍《無聲感情》?各種你想的問題都在 oPro 拍的幕後花絮裡回答!Thanks everyone for supporting and reposting the Silent Dancer MVs. How was the VR made? How does Xinrou dance without hearing? Why did I write the song? All these questions and many more answered in this “making of” video!