Friday Funnies - Lote Tuqiri try line blunder

  • 16 years ago
This week's Friday Funnies clip is an absolute shocker from the Super 12, as it was known back in 2005, as Lote Tuqiri commits the ultimate blunder over the line against the Bulls in Sydney.

A brilliantly executed sweeping backline move by the Waratahs ended up in the hands of the Wallaby winger, with him only needing to stroll over the line and dot down for the five pointer.

I'm sure you can tell what happens next, as big Lote takes things a little easy, and somehow manages to butcher this one. Funny to watch, but makes you cringe with embarrassment for the big guy, and I bet he was buying his teamates, particularly the backline wizards who set up the move, beers all night after this one.

Luckily the 'Tahs were already up by almost 30 points so it didn't have too much of an effect on the game. A moment Lote won't forget though, and you can be sure the next time he crossed the line, he was diving down, with both hands securely clutched on the ball.