Bollywood Actress Sana Khan

  • 6 years ago
Sana Khan Hot and sexy Scene.
Sana Khan is a model and an Indian on-screen character celebrated in Tollywood and Bollywood. She has showed up in south Indian movies, TV ads, unique appearances in motion pictures and for an unscripted tv appear. She has additionally worked in the film 'Jai Ho'. She has acted in 14 films crosswise over 5 dialects and has showed up in more than 50 promotion films.
Sana Khan was naturally introduced to a Muslim, Pashtun family in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Her dad is initially from Kannur, Kerala and her mom, Saeeda, is from Mumbai Sana finished her secondary school (twelfth grade) from Mumbai and did not seek after any further examinations as she wound up associated with demonstrating at an early age.
Sana was attracted to the style world when she ventured in as a model. Her looks helped her to be a piece of various motion pictures and her moving aptitudes just helped her to develop in her vocation.
Sana Khan is an extremely beguiling, enthusiastic performing artist and her fan following increased amid the 6th period of the dubious reality demonstrate Bigg Boss where she seemed to be an unconstrained and an enchanting challenger. Anyway her stretch was loaded with discussions because of her closeness with Rajeev Paul a co candidate at the show.
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