Actor Shahid Kapoor and wife Mira Rajput brought their newborn son, Zain Kapoor, home on Friday, two days after he was born at a Mumbai hospital. The celebrity couple was spotted outside the Hinduja hospital and then later outside their home.
Shahid and Mira posed for photographers outside the hospital with Zain in Mira’s arms and the couple’s two-year-old daughter, Misha, in daddy Shahid’s arms. On Thursday, Shahid’s father Pankaj Kapoor also arrived with wife Supriya Pathak to meet their grandson.
Shahid and Mira posed for photographers outside the hospital with Zain in Mira’s arms and the couple’s two-year-old daughter, Misha, in daddy Shahid’s arms. On Thursday, Shahid’s father Pankaj Kapoor also arrived with wife Supriya Pathak to meet their grandson.