• 7 years ago
Xiaomi launched three new smartphones under its Redmi 6 series in India. The lineup consists of Redmi 6, Redmi 6A and Redmi 6 Pro. Prices for the new smartphones start at Rs 5,999 going up to Rs 12,999. Redmi 6 Pro is Xiaomi’s first phone with a notch display in India. It has a 5.84-inch Full HD+ display with 19:9 aspect ratio. The smartphone is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 625 processor, and is fuelled by a 4,000mAh battery. It runs MIUI 9.6 with Android 8.1 Oreo layered on top. The smartphone is available with 3GB RAM plus 32GB storage, and 4GB RAM plus 64GB storage.

