• 17 years ago
Video summary of the ALDE Seminar "Arctic Governance in a global world: is it time for an Arctic Charter?"

Event date: 07/05/08 16:30 to 19:00
Location: Room A3G3, European Parliament, Brussels

More than Twenty Year's ago, Gorbachev expressed that the Arctic States should form a "genuine zone of peace and fruitful co-operation" in the far north. Over that period several key issues - pollution, climate change leading to the opening of hitherto closed seaways, resource use, sustainability, security of energy supply, fish stocks - have emerged which have focussed attention on the High North. With this background in mind the question which needs answering is whether the current governance structures in the High North are sufficient to deal with these challenges.

Questions which need answering are e.g. Could the Arctic Council be overhauled so as to provide the vehicle for improved Artic collaboration? Might there be the opportunity to consider a binding Arctic Charter?

In view of these aspects, an ALDE seminar with elected representatives from the Arctic, academics, scientists and other experts could provide a thorough contribution to the debate.


MEP's Concerned:
Diana Wallis

For more information
Krings Thomas - Tel: +32 2 284 32 42

On ALDE Website:

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