Janhvi Kapoor looked ethereal as she walked the ramp for the first time on Friday at the Lakme Fashion Week 2018. The young actor wore the most colourful lehenga for designer Nachiket Barve as his showstopper on the third day of the ongoing fashion week.
The 21-year-old’s outfit was from Nachiket’s Millennial Maharanis collection and was worried about tripping during her walk. “When he showed me a swatch of the fabric, I thought it’s so stunning and in my head I was like I am going to trip and fall on my face because it looked so heavy, but then when I tried it on, the outfit was light and comfortable,” she told media after her ramp-walk.
The 21-year-old’s outfit was from Nachiket’s Millennial Maharanis collection and was worried about tripping during her walk. “When he showed me a swatch of the fabric, I thought it’s so stunning and in my head I was like I am going to trip and fall on my face because it looked so heavy, but then when I tried it on, the outfit was light and comfortable,” she told media after her ramp-walk.