China-U.S. trade talks end with no breakthrough

  • 6 years ago
워싱턴에서 열린 미중 무역협상 '빈손' 종료

Trade talks between China and the U.S. ended on Thursday in Washington... with no breakthrough.
According to White House deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters the two sides "exchanged views on how to achieve fairness, balance and reciprocity in the economic relationship"... but gave no indication that any serious progress has been made.
Beijing's commerce ministry's statement on Friday reads... the two sides had a "constructive and candid exchange over trade issues... and will keep in touch on the next steps."
Citing Chinese officials, Bloomberg reported,... there are no more negotiation sessions scheduled before the America's mid-term elections in November.
Even as the officials met, Washington slapped another round of 25-percent tariffs on Chinese imports worth 16-billion U.S. dollars, with Beijing retaliating through similar measures.