Amnesty International demands release of Saudi women's rights campaigners

  • 6 years ago
Amnesty International protested outside the Saudi Arabian embassy in London on Thursday to call for the release from prison of women who campaigned for the right to drive.

Protesters drove past the embassy beeping their horns and held placards with slogans in support of the women.

In June, Saudi women were allowed to drive for the first time, however, according to Amnesty International, some of the women who successfully campaigned for that right are now locked up in a Saudi prison, including Loujain al-Hathloul, Iman al-Nafjan and Aziza al-Yousef.

"These women were instrumental in lifting the (driving) ban - yet the Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman is now claiming credit for it as one of his ‘visionary reformist policies,'" said Amnesty International in a statement.

Amnesty is asking members of the public to write to the Saudi Arabian embassy in London to call for the immediate release of these women.


