Chinese shoppers brawl in South Korean duty free shop

  • 6 years ago
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA — No one likes queue jumpers, but would you go so far as to beat one up? Well, these Chinese shoppers will.

The Korea Times reports that two women from China were recently caught on camera having a hoedown outside a Lotte Duty Free in Seoul, South Korea.

An employee told MailOnline that the pair started brawling after one of them went straight to the front of the line.

Footage of the hullabaloo that was posted to Weibo and Miaopai shows a lady in a white shirt exchanging blows with a woman in black as a crowd looks on.

When the lady in white takes her opponent to the ground, a man, presumably white's husband, stomps on the other woman's head. He's quickly pulled away by onlookers, but continues shouting that the woman was bullying his wife.

The brawl supposedly lasted for five minutes before security came and broke it up.

Needless to say, the trio isn't getting any sympathy from the internet, with netizens saying they're an embarrassment to China, and should be banned from travelling.


