The 4 Worst Vacation Habits for Your Waistline

  • 6 years ago
The 4 Worst
Vacation Habits
for Your Waistline Going on vacation can often do more harm
than good when it comes to staying healthy.
Here are 4 bad vacation habits to avoid,
according to Eat This, Not That! 1. You chose an
all-inclusive vacation These kinds of packages typically give you all-you-can-eat-and-drink options, which are usually filled with unhealthy choices that are hard to resist. 2. You travel with the wrong people The New England Journal of Medicine
found that when a friend becomes obese, it
increases your chance of obesity by up
to 57%. Travel with a positive influence. 3. You're not staying hydrated It's very easy to become dehydrated while swimming, hiking, touring or lounging. It's also easy to confuse
thirst for hunger, which results in overeating. 4. You bring your
work with you If you don't take the time to relax and
destress, your cortisol levels will stay
raised, triggering hunger and fat storage.
