SoulJahm - Drowning Into You

  • 6 years ago

"Drowning Into You" was written on guitar in early 2009, in Edinburgh. The music and lyrics on this version are unchanged from that time. Like "Mysterious", "Voice" and "Why Do You Run", the song was put aside until we reached Milan in July 2011 and began work on what would come to be known as the 'Sketches of Europa' sessions.

This particular track was added later, whilst in Barcelona, Sep 2011. The piano was recorded in our apartment there. The next track to be overdubbed was the drums, which I put together in Berlin, Feb 2012, in our apartment in Friedrichshain. We always intended to finish the song, with melodica and Kate's harmonies, but never got round to it.

Eventually, early in 2015 and now back in Edinburgh, I added some acoustic guitar and the lead vocal. Later in the summer I added harmonies and a guitar solo. Finally, the song was mixed over a weekend in early Sep 2015. A long journey for this one!