• 7 years ago
In this podcast episode we dive into a cool americana, country, rock band making it as an indie group in LA. The band Roses & Cigarettes is composed of Jenny Pagliaro and Angela Petrilli. We talk shop, stories from the road, music biz, Norman's Rare Guitars, what it’s like to run your own small business (an indie band), local live venues, band loyalty, we learn about new artists that Angela and Jenny are into as well. Roses & Cigarettes perform live songs for us right on the spot through this Skype interview with their computer mic picking up the raw music, which gives us all a clear sense of how great these girls are!

This band is determined to make it happen and have it happen as fast we they can. Check out the stories in the podcast and get a better sense for it all. We also talk about songwriting, music biz mistakes and favorite songs from bands like Fleetwood Mac to Zeppelin.

Make sure to check out their music and these cool recommended links below:

IG: @rosesandcigarettesband
IG @angelapetrillimusic

Norman’s Rare Guitars “Home”:

Norman’s Rare Guitars “Gold Dust Woman”:

Angela Petrilli - Fender

Eric Tessmer “Love Has Taken Its Toll”

Robert John and the Wreck “Good Lovin’”

Marc Broussard “Home”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuWPseegaKw

