Michelle Wolf Says Comedy Is Harder In Trump's America

  • 6 years ago
Michelle Wolf says that comedy has gotten harder since Trump took office.

“Everything seems sort of dire right now and so it’s harder to make people laugh, I think,” she explained. “And also, most Trump jokes are so hack-y — if you’re gonna do a joke about Trump, it’s gotta be a new angle I haven’t heard before. I don’t want to hear about his orange skin or his hands or whatever.”

Wolf’s place at the intersection of comedy and politics was confirmed with her controversial White House Correspondents’ Dinner routine this year. She also hosts a weekly show called “The Break with Michelle Wolf” where she takes on a range of different topical aspects.

“It’s very tiring, yeah, just trying to come up with jokes that take on things that no one has done yet and topics no one was talking about,” she stated. “I think we got to a really fun place in the show where — we definitely weren’t chasing Trump. We were having a nice mix of political and kind of social things. In the last episode we did a long bit on crows having sex with dead crows, which is a real thing that happens.”

She also believes that news is neglecting a lot of important topics in favor of Trump, and that “if you’re getting your news from a comedy show, it means the news is failing is terribly.”

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