• 17 years ago
Video summary of the ALDE Seminar on Consumer Policy

Event date: 17/10/07 15:00 to 18:30
Location: Room PHS 5B 001, European Parliament, Brussels

Since the creation of the Internal Market, Consumer policy has played a consistent and increasing role in creating results for the benefit of the European citizens. The Single Market has always been and still is the guarantor of wealth in Europe. However, there are a growing number of European citizens who feel that the Single Market does not really make much difference to their lives. Perhaps some of the benefits are now taken for granted and citizens sense that they major gains are being enjoyed by enterprises rather than touching themselves in their daily lives.

Therefore we need to find solutions for making the results of a common consumer policy more visible. We need to sell the Single Market to the citizen again and elaborate on what has to be improved in order to deliver even greater benefits to them.

The seminar will be divided in two parts. The first part will deal with the achievements of the Single Market and the role of consumer policy and the second part will have a look at the possibilities for improvement.

MEP's Concerned:
Karin Riis-Jørgensen, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff

For more information:
Sauerteig Karin - Tel: +32 2 283 21 89

On ALDE Website:

[ALDEEVENTS] [Events] [Seminar] [Language EN]


