• 7 years ago
Politicon is the unconventional political convention fueled with debates, panels, films, comedy, podcasts, and all things politics related. Some of the biggest names in politics and funniest voices in comedy joined together to represent all sides of the political spectrum in this non-partisan event of the year. For a full weekend, political enthusiasts joined thousands of people in asking these politicians and comedians the toughest questions.

Fortunately, Civilized had the opportunity to be among the thousands of people asking these questions. In addition to having an entire panel dedicated to the conversation around the legalization of marijuana, Civilized had a number of conversations with these top politicians about the legalization of marijuana and their personal stance on the issue. Some of these people included the former chairperson of the RNC Michael Steele, comedian Greg Proops, writer and TV host Touré, singer Clay Aiken, The Young Turks' Hasan Piker, Comedian in Chief Jeremy Saville, and Kat Thomas of Pin-Ups on Tour.

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Website: https://www.civilized.life/


