• 7 yıl önce
The Top 200 Fortnite Fails, WTF Moments & Funny Moments Compilation! What's up guys, we have a special Fortnite video for you today! In todays video we have put together the Top 200 Fails and Best Moments from our previous Fortnite videos! If you enjoy this super long video and it made you laugh at any point, please leave a like! Subscribe & join the road to 7Mil subs -

Send your Fortnite clips to - SubmitToBCC@gmail.com -

Due to YouTube’s character limit there was not enough room to list everyone featured in the description. Please check out the original episodes for more information on the featured players:

Episode 199 -
Episode 200 -
Episode 205 -
Episode 225 -
Episode 226 -
Episode 227 -
Episode 236 -
Episode 237 -
Episode 238 -
Episode 263 -

Used Songs in this video:




BCC always has the player's permission to feature their clip. If there are any mistakes with the credits, or someone submitted your clip claiming it was theirs please email us: Bestcodshots@gmail.com

How to submit your videos & Fortnite clips to BCC:

1) Upload your video to Youtube or Twitch

2) Send the link of your clip to this email:
( SubmitToBCC@gmail.com )

We will then watch the clip you've sent us and if we like it, we will feature it in a future BCC Trolling video!

3) A submission/Fortnite clip should be at least 10 seconds long. We will NOT accept any submissions below 10 seconds.

4) That's it!


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If you havn't subscribed already, remember to subscribe for the best gaming content :)


