EMERGENCY - YouTube Imposes Mass Censorship

  • 16 years ago
USA180 - Emergency Bulletin: YouTube Makes Sen. Lieberman Happy With New Anti-Terrorism Guidelines http://www.efluxmedia.com/news_YouTube_Makes_Sen_Lieberman_Happy_With_New_Anti_Terrorism_Guidelines_24367.html Listen up people, they are implementing parts of S1959 - The Homegrown Terrorism Act - It HAS NOT PASSED THE SENATE. The language is the same. It's "Force or Violence" to promote a religious, social or political belief. Under this law if you stop someone on the street and hand them a Bible you can be considered a TERRORIST. If you advocate action against a corporation or the government you can be considered a TERRORIST. If we don't stop this here at YouTube and raise a HUGE CONCERN right now - they will pass S1959. They will rationalize that we will ACCEPT the censorship and go further. While the request of Senator Lieberman SEEMS reasonable the bill itself has so many holes that you could interpret it MANY different ways. There are videos on this - I suggest you watch them or go to http://www.USA180.org and look at our analysis of the bill itself. We have to act NOW and get this message EVERYWHERE. Create your own video. ACT! Quoting article: "In May this year, Sen. Joseph Lieberman demanded YouTube to block videos depicting assassinations, death of US soldiers, as well as weapon training and speeches that encourage violence and could be used as a tool to create homegrown terrorists."