This woman was playing an intense virtual reality game with the headset on. She started to freak out about what was happening in the game and fell on the couch causing the others around her to burst into laughter.
00:00 I'm just gonna go back out.
00:04 Yeah, go ahead.
00:06 I'm just gonna kill you once you go out.
00:08 I wouldn't go out.
00:10 I would just stay in the room and stand behind the corner.
00:12 Turn around, turn around, turn around!
00:18 I thought I was outside!
00:20 (Screams)
00:22 Oh, God!
00:24 Oh, no!
00:26 Oh, my God!
00:28 (Screams)
00:30 Run!
00:36 You gotta run!
00:38 Run!
00:40 Run!
00:42 (Laughs)
00:44 (Screams)
00:48 (Laughs)
00:50 (Screams)
00:52 (Laughs)
00:54 (Laughs)
00:56 I love you!
00:58 Why are you crying?