Secrets of Archaeology - Mycenaeans the Civilization of Heroes

  • há 6 anos
About the Series:

Secrets of Archaeology Take a virtual reality tour of history’s most intriguing ancient civilizations. Uncover the secrets of the pyramids as the Pharaohs reach for immortality, walk the streets of the Eternal City of Rome, relive a step-by-step reconstruction of Pompeii under the shadow of mighty Vesuvius, experience life in bustling Baghdad and journey to Latin America to the mythical "El Dorado." SECRETS OF ARCHAEOLOGY makes history come alive!

About this episode:

A visit to the heart of the first great civilizations between the Euphrates and the Agean Sea takes us to the pre-Hellenic cities of Mycenae, Tiryns, and the legendary Babylonian city of Troy where archeological findings have confirmed existence of the world of heroes that Homer depicted in his epic poems. We will even visit the site of the classic battle between Hector and Achilles.

Credits and Production:
Secrets of Archeology