
  • 6 years ago
My online video network, Creamy Goodness Films, has been around since January of 2010 when it started as just a single channel on YouTube. Now, over eight and a half years later, CGF has moved from YouTube to Creamy's Wonderland, and has a Dailymotion branch where all of the network's videos are mirrored. This video, Bicentennia, marks CGF's 200 video milestone, and is the second music video on the network. It's basically a slideshow of the thumbnails of all 200 of CGF's video displayed in chronological order with music playing in the background. Originally, I was going to feature a brand new song for this video, but because I had trouble thinking up a suitable melody during its composition, I decided to use an unreleased song I wrote all the way back in 1996 instead.

After Bicentennia is published, I'm taking a long hiatus from video uploading in order work on other projects that need my attention. However, I assure you that when I come back several months from now, I'll have a brand new crop of videos ready to upload, and you'll see that the wait was well worth it. Creamy Goodness signing out.


Intro song...
Creamy Goodness - The Creamy Song [Jazzy Jingle]
