Are You "Self Employed"?

  • 16 years ago You are "self-employed" if you operate a trade, business or profession, either by yourself or as a partner. Self employed people often work long hours, and insurance for self employed people is often expensive and health insurance for self employed can be even tougher. Lots of things for self employed are hard to find, especially when it comes to hours in the day. Self employed business owners have to consider that even though they are their own boss, they have "self employed jobs" and even though there are organizations which can find insurance for self employed persons and there is a national association for self employed persons and "self employed group health insurance" providors often partner with a self employed association, self employment has many drawbacks. If you are looking for self employment ideas, there are many. One definition is that Self-employment is the individual pursuit of capitalism. To be self-employed, an individual is normally highly skilled in a trade or has a niche product. If you’re a newly self-employed person, don’t pretend you’re anything else. Price your products and services fairly for your level of skills and talents. But you still won't have more hours in the day! Self employment opportunities can get you money. Consider a selfemployed home business among other business ideas and business opportunities. You can be a self employed entrepreneur with your own online business. Internet business ideas for self-employment are ideal for those who want to have a home based business without having an actual boss to report to. Self employment gives freedom. The trick is to have both money and time to enjoy it!