Artist Sculpts Creepy Looking Pies With Human Faces

  • 6 years ago
This artist sculpted a series of pies with creepy looking faces on them. After sculpting their features, she added teeth, hair and even a tongue to make each one unique.


00:00Okay, I have all four different versions of the new and improved Peep-a-Pot Pie ready.
00:07I'm going to be putting them up in the shop tomorrow.
00:10So I have the original pie.
00:13I have the pie with the tongue sticking out.
00:19I have a pie with teeth.
00:22And a pie with some hair on it.
00:25Now if you want something that you don't see here,
00:28as in if you want teeth and hair or tongue and hair or something like that,
00:33I can add anything to a pie that you want me to, but I can't take away.
00:38So if you order the pie with the teeth and you want a tongue and no teeth, I can't do that.
00:43But if you order a pie with the tongue and you want to add teeth, I can do that.
00:49So keep that in mind when you're ordering.
00:51If you're ordering, just leave me a message and let me know if that's what you want to do.
