17. बच्चों के योग्यता को पहचानो - hindi best speech- hindi best talk

Talk Spiritual

by Talk Spiritual

Day in, day out, we identify ourselves with this #body of ours. We look our body in the mirror & feel that this is our real self. However, this delusion of ours goes momentarily, when we see someone dead. Then we think, that one day this body shall die. If you are a non-believer then you may think that a person is dead forever but if you believe in God & religion then you may think otherwise that the Soul of a person has survived the body at death.

In fact we are the Soul inside our body & this Soul can never die though body may die. As per the #Bhagwat_Gita, our body is like our clothes that we wear on our body & after death these worn out clothes are dropped by the embodied Soul. In that sense our body is the Overcoat of our Soul inside. We in essence are a 'Soul' & this 'Soul' of ours shall take another body (read, shall wear another pair of clothes / Overcoat) after death. So this eternal Soul is indestructible which changes its present embodied form/body for another embodied form/body, when the physical body dies.
#Shri_krishna says to #Arjuna 'Bhagwat Gita' which explains the same truth.
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