Number of fathers taking paternity leave increases 66% on-year for first half of 2018

  • 6 years ago
휴직하고 애 키우는 아빠 급증…남성 육아휴직 66%↑

The number of fathers taking paternity leave in Korea jumped nearly 66 percent on-year in the first half of 2018.
According to data by the Ministry of Employment and Labor, more than 84-hundred took paternity leave during the January-June period, rising from some 51-hundred in H1 last year.
Men accounted for nearly 17 percent of the 50 thousand who took family leave during the period, marking an on-year spike of some 5 percent.
The numbers suggest the proportion of family leave taken by men could be higher in 2018 than the 13 percent of people who took family leave in 2017.
Last year, Iceland had the highest proportion of paternity leave users in the OECD, accounting for 46 percent of the total parental leave.


