International community to maintain sanctions pressure on North Korea

Arirang News

: Arirang News

58 조회
Our top story this evening..
South Korea's top diplomat is in New York this weekend for talks on North Korea with her American counterpart.
Kang Kyung-wha and Mike Pompeo were later joined by their counterparts from other members of the UN Security Council.
Park Hee-jun has our top story.
Seoul's Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha met with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in New York on Friday,... less than two weeks after their most recent talks in Tokyo.
They, again,... reaffirmed their common stance of pushing North Korea to fulfill what it has promised to do.

"They have made a clear commitment on complete denuclearization repeatedly, and of course very forcefully at the Singapore summit with President Trump, and we will hold them up to that commitment.

South Korea and the U.S., while jointly briefing the 15-member nations of the UN Security Council on the latest developments,... also made it clear that maximum pressure on the regime will be maintained,... as well as international sanctions.

"The countries of the Security Council are united on the need for final fully verified denuclearization in North Korea, as agreed to by Chairman Kim. Strict enforcement of sanctions is critical to our achieving this goal."

China and Russia raised the need to ease sanctions as North Korea makes progress on its nuclear disarmament.
But Washington's Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley emphasized that the best way to achieve the common goal is through the continued enforcement of sanctions on Pyongyang.
Pompeo also warned that the prospects for denuclearization would be diminished without them.
Other members of the Security Council backed the U.S., calling for concrete action by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on nuclear disarmament.

Earlier in the week,... China and Russia turned down a U.S. request to halt all shipments of refined oil products to North Korea, claiming the North had been breaching sanctions.
Saying they need more time and evidence,... they put a six-month hold on any kind of action.
Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.