Tiny Hyeana cubs coming out in the open to suckle on mom they are just a couple of weeks old and still very new in their very dangerous environment. Many pups won't make it to adulthood but while Hyenas is quite vicious sometimes they are excellent mothers and the whole clan will take care of the babies. The Hyenas do make their den sites under the roads in Kruger National Park because the draining line types make a perfect cave for them with two entrances or an easy escape route.
This is common for them to be seen next to the road while having their cubs. They are used to vehicles and is very curious about their surroundings and will investigate and even bite the tyres or other parts of the tourist vehicles in Kruger Park.
This is common for them to be seen next to the road while having their cubs. They are used to vehicles and is very curious about their surroundings and will investigate and even bite the tyres or other parts of the tourist vehicles in Kruger Park.