A film about a lonely circus-magician, who tries to turn his rabbit into a woman and by accident he creates a monster.
Ein Film über einen einsamen Zirkuszauberer, der versucht sein Kaninchen in eine Frau zu verwandeln und dabei versehentlich eine Bestie erschafft.
Hokus-Pokus won the following award:
Best Music Video, Bradford Animation Festival 08
Hokus-Pokus has been shown at numerous festivals, including:
Int. Animation Festival HIROSHIMA, Japan, international competition
Int. Animation Festival KROK, Russia, student competition
Encounters Film Festival Bristol, UK, children jury competition
HAFF Netherlands, competition applied animation
PISAF, Seoul, South Korea, student competition
ANIMPACT, Seoul, South Korea, non competitive
ANIMACOR, Cordoba, Spain, official competition
LES NUITS MAGIQUES , Bordeaux, France, international competition
GIRAF 4, Calgary, Canada, non-competitive
Interfilm Festival Berlin, Germany, video clip programme
Director: Anna Samoylovich
Screenplay: Anna Samoylovich
Music: Daniel Regenberg
Ein Film über einen einsamen Zirkuszauberer, der versucht sein Kaninchen in eine Frau zu verwandeln und dabei versehentlich eine Bestie erschafft.
Hokus-Pokus won the following award:
Best Music Video, Bradford Animation Festival 08
Hokus-Pokus has been shown at numerous festivals, including:
Int. Animation Festival HIROSHIMA, Japan, international competition
Int. Animation Festival KROK, Russia, student competition
Encounters Film Festival Bristol, UK, children jury competition
HAFF Netherlands, competition applied animation
PISAF, Seoul, South Korea, student competition
ANIMPACT, Seoul, South Korea, non competitive
ANIMACOR, Cordoba, Spain, official competition
LES NUITS MAGIQUES , Bordeaux, France, international competition
GIRAF 4, Calgary, Canada, non-competitive
Interfilm Festival Berlin, Germany, video clip programme
Director: Anna Samoylovich
Screenplay: Anna Samoylovich
Music: Daniel Regenberg