Best seller Success Secrets of a Million Dollar Party Girl E-book

  • 6 years ago
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A MUST-READ BOOK FOR WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS "Just 1.8% of women-owned businesses generate more than $1 million in annual revenues, compared with 5.3% of all U.S. firms." - Wall Street Journal/Small Business, March 2012. Lynn Bardowski is one of those exceptional women business owners. Known as the Million $ Party Girl, Lynn is a risk-taking, working Mom, who discovered her inner Visionista when she was least expecting it; overcoming mommy guilt, fear, and failure to become a multimillion-dollar revenue-generating entrepreneur. As a business coach, sales trainer, and national speaker, Lynn has mentored thousands of women entrepreneurs-leading with her heart and teaching how to think BIGGER and manifest abundance. Her 10 Success Secrets, shared with passion and purpose, will give you practical advice to get from here to there. Lynn s desire for you to be super successful is apparent on every page. Her insightful and down-to-earthstorytelling will inspire you to take action and make your dreams come true! Lynn s vision, "To empower a gazillion women to discover their glow," was her motivation for sharing the lessons learned over the last twenty-two years as a direct sales entrepreneur. Come and get your glow on! Learn more about Lynn:
