Best seller Marketing Moves: A New Approach to Profits, Growth, and Renewal E-book

  • 6 years ago
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The Internet, globalization, and hypercompetition are dramatically reshaping markets and changing the way business is done. The problem, says internationally renowned marketer Philip Kotler and his coauthors Dipak C.Jain and Suvit Maesincee, is that marketing has not kept pace with the markets. In today s world, customers are scarce-not products and classic marketing needs to be deconstructed, redefined, and broadened to reflect this new reality. Marketing Moves describes the next transformational imperative for marketing and for any organization competing in our customer-ruled, technology-driven marketplace. It calls for a fundamental rethinking of corporate strategy to enable the ongoing creation and delivery of superior value for customers in both the marketplace and the marketspace. And it appoints marketing as the lead driver in shaping and implementing this new strategy. The means for accomplishing this lies in a radically new marketing paradigm the authors...
