Digital book Teaching Online Without Losing Your Mind: A Comprehensive Overview Unlimited acces

  • 6 years ago
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Institutions around the world are increasing their online presence, from rural elementary schools to prestigious doctoral programs. Within these institutions are faculty members and teachers who might not have adequate preparation for designing online courses or teaching them in an effective way. TOWLYM was written as a no-nonsense, practical, and sometimes humorous guide for teachers and faculty who just want to know how to do it and why it should be done that way. The book includes everything a teacher or professor needs to know to design and teach a high quality online course- from brainstorming and storyboarding to grading, giving feedback, and handling unique online student issues. This book can be a useful addition to an institutionally-supported training program, or as a stand-alone resource for those who lack institutionalized support for online course design and teaching.
