• 7 years ago
Easy Backlinks : http://bit.ly/2IqVBVK

From the Desk of Alex Krulik

Dear Online Entrepreneurs,

Social Media is the biggest thing ever. You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. Everywhere, it is: “Facebook this.” Twitter that”. YouTube is hot. And the latest social site is even hotter… It is a never ending list: LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Steemit, Snapchat, Digg…

And they are important.

But not for the reason you think.

More on that in a minute…

Right now I want you to think about Facebook. It has 2 billion users. Of them, 1.1 billion are active on their Facebook mobile App every day. That is huge engagement.

You would have to be crazy to ignore Facebook in your marketing plan.

...Or Is It Crazy? Should You Actually IGNORE Facebook?"

As a successful entrepreneur, you probably look to Facebook to generate leads. And yes, it can be a good source of leads, but the brutal truth is: “Lead generation from Facebook is extremely difficult, time-consuming and a long term process”.


When you go to Facebook, what do you see?

Cute kitty memes?
A coworker eating a donut?
Photos of Aunt Millie’s vacation?

Face it. No one goes to Facebook looking to buy something. They are there to party, chat with their friends, laugh and socialize.

When they want to shop, they go to Amazon, not Facebook.

You are wasting a lot of time and money trying to get Facebook users to buy… It’s like trying to sell sand to Hawaiians. They are not interested.

Okay, Alexander, if Facebook is not the answer, what is?

We’re glad you asked.

When you need information, where do you turn to?

There really is only one answer:

