Mary Rizzo - Newark, NJ: A City that Profits from Human Suffering

  • 6 years ago
This county is balancing its budget by detaining people that have done nothing wrong. Mary participated on June 29, along with six others, in a civil disobedience act in front of the Hall of Records to demand an end to the contract with ICE. The protestors sat in the doorway to get the attention of Joe D., the elected official that signed the contract with ICE.

The response from deputies of the Sherriff's Office was swift and violent. Video can be viewed at the following URL: Joe D. never showed up.

"Now I became involved in this movement because I have seen the inhumanity of detention. In 2015 I toured the Elizabeth detention center, which is an ICE facility that detains immigrants which is run by private prison company CoreCivic. I did this with a class that I was teaching at Rutgers Newark and we had spent weeks reading about detention. But none of this prepared us for how horrible that experience was."
