• 7 years ago
Jesus Christ and His followers proclaimed the good news about the return of the rule of God to this earth. That message of the coming 1000 year reign of Christ on earth is the substance and the core of the "gospel"...

Proclaiming the message of the kingdom of God and Jesus Christ is the job our Lord gave the Church of God to perform. Let's review the scriptures on this important subject and discover what is the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

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----------------------------- FREE eBook --------------------------------------

If you want to explore this subject as a personal study of your own, request a copy of THE COMING KINGDOM OF GOD to start learning more about the coming rule of Jesus Christ on earth. See it for yourself in the pages of your own bible.

Here's a link to the request page:
➤ http://ucgraleigh.blogspot.com/p/learn-more-about-the.html
