Industry 4.0

  • 6 years ago
Industry 4.0 divulges some influential emergent fluxes with strong prospective to change the approach in the working of industries. Whether or not it is an industrial revolution but there are definitely going to be drastic changes which the industry owners should be aware of the imminent changes and develop strategies to benefit from this newest opportunity.
It denotes a concept in the existing manufacturing industry which emphases on the automation of processes and data exchange. The initiative assimilates the Internet of Things or IoT, cloud computing and cyber-enhanced systems.
The origin of Industry 4.0 is from a German government project that supports computerization of manufacturing. The actual term used by the Working Group Industry was “Industrie 4.0” in October 2012.
They presented a set of implementation recommendations to the German government in a final report in the Hanover Fair on April 8, 2013.
The history behind Industry 4.0
There are three more stages of Industry and without them Industry 4.0 wouldn’t have been possible:
The first was the introduction of machines and mechanization of work with the help of steam engines and other water powered machinery.
The next revolution came with the discovery of electricity. The machine were electrified which helped in increased production at factories.
The third revolution is what we can term as Digital Revolution. Computers and robots made our lives easier.
The fourth one is Industry 4.0 where computer system equipped with machine learning algorithms will control the robotics connected to it. Human input will be limited and they will take decisions themselves.
The 4 main design principles of Industry 4.0
Interoperability - The ability of machines, sensors, devices and people to connect and communicate amongst themselves through the Internet of Things.
Information Transparency - The ability of information systems to form a virtual copy of the physical world by elevating digital plant models with sensor data. This necessitates the accumulation of raw sensor data to higher-value context information.

