History of Brazil

  • 6 years ago
Brasil, being the largest country in the continent of South America, embraces rich diversity and culture. Out of every country in the continental premises of South America, Brasil accounts to be the only country speaking Portuguese. It covers about three time zones and has occupied a position in the list of leading economies of the world.
Located in the eastern part of South America, it possesses a large coastline stretching 7491 kilometers in length.
Subjugates the position of world’s fifth largest country by population (210 million) and geographical area.
Pico da Neblina (Mist peak), Brasil's highest mountain present on the border of Venezuela was rendered undiscovered until the 1950s being shrouded by clouds.
Categorized as world's largest exporter of coffee for more than 150 years, it facilitates dispensation of coffee since the onset of the modern era.
Occupies the primacy of being the eighth largest economy in the world in terms of both nominal GDP and GDP.
Cultural History
Predominantly western but also embraces ethnic touch as well as mixed diversity which took place in the colonial period
The onset of architecture dates back to almost 500 years ago during the time of Pedro Cabral. Neoclassical and Gothic revival architecture adopted in the 1900s is still being practiced.
The music contains an essence of both European and African elements. Until the 1900s, European music was the successor to the evolution of Brazilian music.
At the beginning of 16th century, Pero Vaz da caminha, an explorer started writing about flora, fauna and led to the onset of literature. Romanticism was pioneered in Brasil and from here, spread to other parts of the world.

