'Tense Atmosphere' At Meeting Between Tech Giants And Feds At Facebook HQ About...

  • 6 years ago
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The Justus Knight Report

What do you get when you cross Facebook, Google, Apple, Twitter, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security…well, just wait until you find out. In an effort to avoid the last election Russian troll disaster on social media the big guns of the industry decide to hold a meeting with Government officials. This time, however, the meeting was at Facebook headquarters and not Capitol Hill.

The results were mixed…the Social Media megaliths spilled everything and the Government well they didn’t…rather, as reported, they exchanged little to nothing. What do you expect, with the lawsuits against Facebook and Google over political ads they really didn’t need to say a word.

No matter what political affiliation you are; trolls meddling in our election process is a huge issue. There is currently no way, that anyone, can find a way to stop them. The mid-term elections may just be the perfect proving ground to find new techniques to use for the big show around the corner…the next Presidential election. My concern, however, is much deeper…how much can steering the minds and motives of the American people through Social Media truly impact our countries ability to progress as one nation under God with liberty and justice for all!?. 

God Speed and God Bless,


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