• 7 years ago
NORTH KOREA — Commercial satellite photos from June 21 show construction continuing at North Korea's Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.

According to 38 North, images show modifications to the 5 MWe reactor's secondary cooling loop appear to be finished from the outside, however determining the reactor's operational status was difficult.
The status of the Radiochemical Laboratory where the plutonium is separated from spent fuel rods remains uncertain, while the sites Thermal Plant coal bins show usage, suggesting operations there have continued.
Building of support facilities around the Experimental Light Water Reactor, ELWR, also look to be complete externally.

Work at the site however, should not be seen as having any relationship with the country's pledge to denuclearize.
According to 38 North, North Korea is expected to proceed with nuclearization until they are given specific orders from Pyongyang.


