• 6 years ago
Renee (Mummy Tries) went paleo after discovering she had PCOS. Years later her daughter was diagnosed with several allergies, including corn and dairy. So the whole family went paleo.

You wouldn't think pizzas could be paleo - but they can! Flatbread, amazing pizza here we come!

In this How We Eat, Renee shows us how to make the perfect flatbread paleo pizza.


- 1 cup ground arrowroot
- 1/3 cup of coconut flour
- 1/3 cup of fat (of your choice)
- 1/3 cup of water
- 1 egg
- 1 glove of crushed garlic
- 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar
- 1 tsp mixed herbs
- Sprinkle of sea salt


- Preheat oven to 200c and line tray with parchment paper
- In a small saucepan heat the fat, vinegar, garlic and water, heat gently until it's all liquified.
- While that is heating, put the arrowroot, salt and herbs into a large bowl and stir
- Make a well in the centre and crack the egg in it, then pour in the warm fat mixture and give everything a good stir to form a sticky dough
- Add the coconut flour and mix well to form a ball
- Then start putting it onto the baking tray, either as one large bread or several small ones
- Cook for 10-15 mins and serve hot or cold. Enjoy!

Big thank you to Mummy Tries (https://mummytries.com)

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