Yanto Awerkion is on trial today. As one of West Papua's most prominent political prisoners, he is currently facing a 15 year jail sentence for "treason" after

  • 6 years ago
Yanto Awerkion is on trial today. As one of West Papua's most prominent political prisoners, he is currently facing a 15 year jail sentence for "treason" after helping to organise the West Papuan People's Petition which was signed by over 1.8 million West Papuan people in 2017.

In this interview on 11th January 2018, he explains why he was arrested and his appeal for the international community to help him be released. YOU can help to get Yanto out of jail here:

Help to stop the ongoing oppression against West Papuan leaders like Yanto Awerkion who want nothing more than to live in their own country free from persecution.



