History of Communism

  • 6 years ago
An economic and political philosophy – the founders of Communism have known to be Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels around the latter half of 19th century. When the two met in 1844 they found that their principles and ideologies were same. Published in 1848, together they wrote ‘The Communist Manifesto’. Their main aim was to bring an end to the class system that existed in the society which exploited the labour class. Once the labour class became aware then there would be a conflict among the classes which would be settled through revolution. The worker class would rise against the bourgeoisie and institute a communist society. Both Marx and Engels considered the ‘proletariat’ as people who had labour power while the ‘bourgeoisie’ were those who owned the means of production in the capitalist society. The nation would pass through a phase of socialism and ultimately settle for a pure communist society. Private ownership would be eliminated and the community would own the means of production. The thought was that all give as per their abilities and receive according to their requirements. The necessities of the society would be addressed first before the specific need of an individual was fulfilled.
Many countries in South America, Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa followed this political philosophy. Later in the 19th century communism started to take roots in Russia too. The Bolsheviks gained power when the October Revolution happened. Russia was the first country where Marxist view was implemented in such power. They were the Communist Party and they sent their principles to all the European socialist parties. Stalin was a leader who ruled Russia through communist philosophies. China also followed in the footsteps of Russia.
Communism comes from the French word ‘communisme’ which has Latin roots – ‘communis’ and ‘isme’. The word was used for different social situations before it came to be in use for more modern ideas of political and economic organization. ‘Communis’ means for or of 0the community while ‘isme’ which means a condition or action.
French philosopher Victor d’Hupay was the first to have created the modern definition in 1777 in the book of ‘Project de communaute philosophe’. The principles that he mentioned in the book was followed by him. His book happens to be the backbone of the communist philosophy.
Socialism is something which is basically something like communism and had become quite popular in France among the leftists. This was even before communism originated. However, both the words have different associations. Some developments can be tracked to different organisations which functioned in Americas and Europe as different associations, leagues, confederations and parties amalgamated them with their own political views.
Some of the well-known leaders who have been known to have propagated communism are Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Marshal Tito, Lenin, Stalin, Marshal Tito, Karl Marx, Mao Zedong.
