On this new series of videos I called "Don't Get Shot by NPCs Challenge", I play different missions and activities from Grand Theft Auto: Online trying to don't get too much shots from enemy NPCs (and who knows, maybe players as well some time).
Why? I like playing this way, without being a damn bullet-eating sponge. Hope you enjoy this first video, I'll upload more if it's well received.
On this first video, I play a Resupply activity for the Hangar (Smuggler's Run) and a MC Clubhouse mission (steal the package and deliver to the destination).
Why? I like playing this way, without being a damn bullet-eating sponge. Hope you enjoy this first video, I'll upload more if it's well received.
On this first video, I play a Resupply activity for the Hangar (Smuggler's Run) and a MC Clubhouse mission (steal the package and deliver to the destination).