• 6 years ago
Real reason John Cena never turned heel in this video from WrestleTalk
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Bryan Alvarez says it's been noted backstage that John Cena isn't working as the top guy in the company - http://members.f4wonline.com/figure-four-weekly/f4w542-week-turning-point-november-14-2005-88921

Stephanie McMahon says she wanted to turn John Cena heel - http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2700543-stephanie-mcmahon-wanted-john-cena-to-turn-heel-at-one-point-is-glad-he-didnt

John Cena shows Nikki Bella his heel ring gear - https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=25&v=-Akx_Zi2jTY

Vince McMahon signed off on turning John Cena heel, but got cold feet - http://stillrealtous.com/heres-vince-mcmahon-wanted-replace-john-cena-top-face/

John Cena was excited to turn heel against The Rock - http://network.wwe.com/video/v62489583?contextType=wwe-show&contextId=original_specials&contentId=116581954&watchlistAltButtonContext=series

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