World War 1

  • 6 years ago
Looking back at more than half of the century, it has been observed that the World War I of 1914-1918 had a great and tremendous impact on the world and the developments across the countries of the world in the next fifty years. At the same time, the world also witnessed enormous and great innovations in the field of genetic sciences and electronics which also accelerated the speed of the transportation with the use of the advanced automobiles and the airplanes.
However, with the good things also came the bad effects. The World War I also opened doors to the new age of violence that had a great contrast to the era of ever-lasting peace and contentment that had preceded the World War I. During the early period from 1815 to 1914, peace had prevailed in Europe. Although there were some exceptions of local wars that were fought with the use of the traditional weapons and in comparison to the World War I, were much shorter in duration and imparted smaller destruction to life and property. Most of the African countries and that of Asia were quite inactive as they were under the effects of colonialism which was imposed by the European powers of imperialism. The diplomatic relations were totally kept secret and were conducted in a hurried manner by the top officials who were touch with the respective home governments by means of coded letters or couriers rather than the telegrams.
After the phase of 1914, the small and little wars, however, exploded into global conflicts that outraged the whole world and lasted for several years. These wars were now fought with bigger weapons including the submarines, air missiles, tanks and much more which caused substantial loss to life and property all over the world. At the same time, in countries and continents like Africa and Asia, the dark-skinned and the yellow-skinned population remained no longer under the rule of others and they too started the struggle to end the European dominations of the colonies in their countries. They too started to fight for the establishment of their power and independence. During the conduct of the international relations, the caution and the wisdom of the experienced ambassadors were quite undermined by the special envoys who had insufficient knowledge about the international relations and about the increasing tendency of the top authorities to state their minds and hearts through the radio to the entire world. This fact actually disturbed the secrets of the diplomatic negotiations.


