Hawaii volcano eruption: Lava shoots 200ft into sky - Kilauea on red alert

  • 6 years ago
Hawaii volcano latest pictures: When will the eruptions end?

THE Kilauea volcano is still destroying Hawaii’s Big Island as an eruption this afternoon blasted lava 200ft into the sky. But when will the eruptions end?

Hundreds of construction workers built 20 temporary housing units on Saturday for families who have lost their homes.Hawaii County Mayor Harry Kim called their efforts a “source of hope”.

US Geological Survey (USGS) officials have put the area on red alert.

A fissure in the volcano’s lower east rift zone spewed out a fountain of blistering lava at an extraordinary height in the early hours of this morning.

In its latest status report, USGS said: “Vigorous eruption of lava continues from the lower East Rift Zone (LERZ) fissure system in the area of Leilani Estates.“Lava fountaining from Fissure 8 continued throughout the day, topping out at about 200 feet in height.”

USGS has put the region on a ‘warning’ volcano alert level and aviation code ‘red’.

When will the eruptions end?USGS scientists have warned there is no way of knowing when the eruptions will end or if more lava-spewing vents will open.

The eruption from the shield volcano has destroyed cropland and covered 5,000 acres, even up to 20 feet deep in some places.

The last month has seen the island’s most destructive eruption in modern times.

(Video/Thumbnail Picture just For Ilustration)

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