Portland Food Cart Owner Charged With Assaulting Customer With Gatorade Bottle

  • 6 years ago
The owner of a food cart was arrested in Portland, Oregon, on June 6 after he was recorded throwing a bottle at a customer. The man was also alleged to have sprayed the customer with hot sauce, and called her the N-word, the Portland Mercury said.Footage of the incident was recorded by Carlotta Washington, the alleged victim of the attack. It shows the suspect, identified in news reports as Islam El Masry, owner of the Small Pharoah’s halal cart, using a racial slur before throwing a Gatorade bottle at Washington.The Willamette Week reported that El Masry was subsequently arrested on misdemeanor assault charges.Washington told media outlets that the attack was unprovoked and that El Masry became upset when she tried to pay for her lunch using only quarters. Credit: Carlotta Washington via Storyful


