• 7 years ago
There have been many wars in the world and in almost all the major wars the United States has played a crucial role. This lead to the sacrifice of a large number of US soldiers. But the war that saw the maximum number of US nationals losing their lives was the US civil war. In this war of 1861, the lives that were lost were more than the total of all the lives lost in all the other wars fought by the US. The war that lasted for a total of four years fought for freedom. This war was between two parts of the country. The northern and the southern states fought for what they thought was right. The tension was brewing for a very long time because of the issues pertaining to the rights of the state and those of the federal authority. But, when Abraham Lincoln became the 16th president of America on March 4th, 1861, seven states of the south declared that they were opting out of United States to form another country by the name of Confederate States of America. Just after few days time, another four states joined in with the confederate states and this ignited the fire of war between the Northern and the southern states. This war made many people who were closely related, enemies of each other leading to the largest killing in the history of the US. By the end of the war in 1865, the blood of as many as 620,000 soldiers was shed. Millions of other soldiers got injured and the southern states and their economy were just devastated. Lincoln was a profound orator and a great politician, during the civil war he created a situation that pitted his opponents against each other.
