Anti-Austerity Protests Continue in Jordan

  • 6 years ago

Anti-austerity protests continued for the sixth consecutive day in Amman on June 5, days after the resignation of Prime Minister Hani Mulki and a promise from King Abdullah of “dialogue” regarding an unpopular draft income tax law.The Jordan Times cited a state security official as saying 60 people had been arrested in the protests by Monday, June 4.Public anger against austerity has grown since Jordan agreed a three-year arrangement with the IMF in 2016. A draft income tax law has been a lightning rod for discontent, and, according to the Jordan Times, the king said the new government would have “responsibility to clarify the draft law.” He called for “dialogue.”King Abdullah pointed to regional unrest, disruption of gas supplies and difficulties in regional markets as reasons for the country’s economic woes, the Jordan Times said.Jordan is currently host to some 700,000 Syrian refugees. Credit: Amman Now via Storyful
