Re: What is America's biggest challenge?

  • 6 years ago
Our approach has been too selfish and unilateral of late.

Topic: America's Place in the World
Bill George: I think that can the U.S. recover ever its global leadership?  The last seven years . . .  It's now 2007.  The last seven years have been devastating for the United State's position in the world.  And it affects us in business; but it certainly affects us . . . when you go overseas, the disdain people have for the United States trying to be a unilateral force in the world.  It doesn't work.  We have to go back to realizing that the only way that we can create a safer world, a better world, a more secure world, a more prosperous world is through collaboration.  And to me, I'm very, very upset about our leadership -- our political leadership -- being so selfish and so unilateralist in their approach.  And I think it's harmed us greatly.  And I'm hopeful we can get new leaders who will find ways to bond and collaborate with other nations to realize that, you know, everyone has a right . . . certain human rights, and we need to bring those forth around the globe.  And I hope the U.S. can recover some of its position so it can once again become a force for good rather than a force for ill.
Recorded on: Jul 7 2007

Topic: America's Place in the World
Bill George: I think that can the U.S. recover ever its global leadership?  The last seven years . . .  It's now 2007.  The last seven years have been devastating for the United State's position in the world.  And it affects us in business; but it certainly affects us . . . when you go overseas, the disdain people have for the United States trying to be a unilateral force in the world.  It doesn't work.  We have to go back to realizing that the only way that we can create a safer world, a better world, a more secure world, a more prosperous world is through collaboration.  And to me, I'm very, very upset about our leadership -- our political leadership -- being so selfish and so unilateralist in their approach.  And I think it's harmed us greatly.  And I'm hopeful we can get new leaders who will find ways to bond and collaborate with other nations to realize that, you know, everyone has a right . . . certain human rights, and we need to bring those forth around the globe.  And I hope the U.S. can recover some of its position so it can once again become a force for good rather than a force for ill.
Recorded on: Jul 7 2007


