Why are we obsessed with the lives of others?

  • 6 years ago
We are social beings.

David Hauslaib: I'm not an anthropologist, but I think we're social beings.  We're interested in sharing things about ourselves, which you will see on Facebook and MySpace -- people tell the world everything -- to learning interesting things about other people.  And you know I think . . .  You know from teenage girls sending text messages gossiping about each other, which has blossomed into the Gossip Girl book and TV show; to our infinite ability to learn more about how many lattes Lindsay Lohan drinks in a day, you know I think that's sort of representative of the fact that now we have this technology to be able to do it.  I don't think we're advancing by any means as a . . . as humanity that we're consuming this information.  I think we're just doing it because we can and we have this insatiable appetite.

David Hauslaib: I'm not an anthropologist, but I think we're social beings.  We're interested in sharing things about ourselves, which you will see on Facebook and MySpace -- people tell the world everything -- to learning interesting things about other people.  And you know I think . . .  You know from teenage girls sending text messages gossiping about each other, which has blossomed into the Gossip Girl book and TV show; to our infinite ability to learn more about how many lattes Lindsay Lohan drinks in a day, you know I think that's sort of representative of the fact that now we have this technology to be able to do it.  I don't think we're advancing by any means as a . . . as humanity that we're consuming this information.  I think we're just doing it because we can and we have this insatiable appetite.
